NEXUS und Rabauken

2024 Jan 30th

End of game

The playing person who wins is the last one able to move or to add new marbles.

Leaving the game

In the moment when a playing person would only be able to change rings or is not able to fully perform the action the belonging marbles leave the game and the playing person is out.

Game start

If there are wooden chips instead of marbles and rings the black chips count as rings and the colour chips as marbles.

4 Players 10 marbles each 37 rings placed as a hexagon

3 Players 10 marbles each 28 rings placed as a triangle

2 Players 10 marbles for the first playing person and 11 marbles for the second playing person 19 rings placed as a hexagon

First row

The first action in the game is always putting 3 new marbles single on a free field into the game. This happens from the edge of the game board on a ring of free choice.

Blocking rings

Other playing persons can add an own marble to the ring of another playing person, with maximum a fourth marble! This ring counts normal in all actions but in moving marbles out. This is no longer possible as long as there is more than one color on that ring.

Deleting marbles

If a playing person deletes the marbles of another, the same number is added to the marbles the playing person can bring in as new ones.

a) deleting through blocking

If a playing person blocks a ring and can count more marbles as the other color/s in this action the marbles of the oponent/s are taken out by this person. If there is more than one color on this ring this is treated for all in single.

b) deleting throughout surrounding

If a playing person surrounds the marbles of others totally (an empty ring within the incerclement makes it not working) the inner marbles are put down to the half of it by the incircling person, round up. It is possible to surround more than one ring. If more than one color is surrounded this is treated for each color in single.

Game actions

The person who is at turn has to fully perform one of three actions and the game situaton has to be changed through this:

1) Changing 4 rings

One takes out four empty rings and adds them elsewhere. A new placed ring has to be connected to at least two other rings! It is ONLY POSSIBLE if the previous player did not change the rings! It is also not allowed for a playing person to change the rings two times in a row!

2) Bringing 3 new marbles into the game

As long as there is a connection to the border of the game there are brought in three new marbles single onto empty rings into the game. One can jump over a row of marbles of the own color that has a connection to the border.

3) Moving 2 times marbles within the game

Two marbles can be moved one ring or one marble can be moved two rings further and can be assembled to a maximum number of three marbles of one color in one ring. One can jump over a row of marbles of the own color. By sacrificing one own marble which is not blocked from the game board a marble can be moved to a ring of variable distance.